Yacht transport services are available in the port of Bangkok. However, it is not recommended that travelers try to utilize their yacht in this area as it a very busy commercial port and it is considered dangerous, not even just because it is very busy, but because there is a lot of corruption in the area and it is not safe for people to be out on the sea without people who are familiar with the area. This port is located slightly east of the main capitol city of Thailand. The port of Bangkok is primarily used for commercial freighters, used for loading and unloading cargo.
The port of Thailand has many industrial type sights to see when you are within the port itself; however you are literally a hop skip and jump away from Thailands main city center and there for within an arms reach of some really cool cultural sites. This port in particular was once Thailands biggest commercial port in the whole country, this was of course until the development and building of the deep sea port “Laem Chabang” in the year 1991. This did effect the traffic in the Port of Bangkok by about a 40% drop, however it was not enough to warrant the closing of the port. Located very nearby is Laem Chabang port , which is where most of the cruise ships dock. From there passengers can take a taxi to Bangkok and enjoy many of the sights that the city boasts. There are also tons of festivals during different times of the year which are well worth visiting if you are in the area. The port in Bangkok is famous for being a very busy commercial port and it offers many of the same sights as other ocean ports with regards to the beautiful waters and cityscapes. On the other hand, this port accounts for 22 percent of the total amount of cargo handled country wide.
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