Palma de Mallorca, the capital and largest city of the Spanish island of Mallorca (also sometimes spelt Majorca), boasts one of the most famous party and club scenes anywhere in the world. That explains why so many are so surprised to discover that the party aspect is only one of the many draws of this multi-faceted, historical city.
If you are considering visiting Palma de Mallorcait is a very good choice as it is one of the best ways for a yacht owner to get to this happening gem sitting on the edge of the Mediterranean. Resorts and hotels dot the coast, giving Palma the reputation as the ultimate summer destination that it has held for decades. If water sports are your thing, this is the perfect place to indulge – windsurfing, kite surfing, jet skiing and sailing are among the most popular activities available to entertain the intrepid traveler.
If you would rather get your thrills from under the waves, the tranquil, clear turquoise waters and the schools of brightly colored fish make for the perfect combination for a visually exhilarating scuba diving or snorkeling experience.
It is simply inevitable that a vibrant seaside city has an equally vibrant range seafood cuisine. Palma de Malloca’s seafood dishes are definitely a result of their prime location in the heart of the Mediterranean, as evidenced by the spices used that give them their unique, mouth-wtering flavor. If you arrive by sea in Palma de Mallorcayacht is the ideal way to spend the day catching your own fish. Pair them with the locally produced wines that compliment seafood perfectly and you have the makings of a memorable dining experience.
It is always wise to take a bit of time off from the partying and indulge for some time in the natural attractions of a new you visit. The stunning landscapes that Palma de Mallorca boasts make this activity an immense pleasure. No sight on a travel show or image on a postcard can prepare you for the vivid, intoxicating sight of a Palma de Mallorca vista seen with your own eyes.
Whether by car on the winding coastal, by bicycle on the numerous trails crisscrossing Palma, or on foot on the numerous hiking paths, there is a wealth of heritage to be discovered away from the main city for those with an interest in its cultural history.
Palma de Mallorca has seen many conquerors come and go. It is a goldmine of ancient artifacts, with residents still discovering Roman relics in backyards and under house foundations today. The conquering Moors left a stamp on the architecture by building over the Roman buildings. However, their stamp is not so obvious anymore – the Spaniard conquest saw the Moor architecture replaced with a Gothic one.
A history buff could lose themselves for days in the cathedrals, battlements and castle remnants that dot this relatively tiny island. Of course, if you sailed to Palma de Mallorca: yacht diving expeditions will discover submerged wonders that most visitors never become aware of.
If Palma de Mallorca is on your itinerary for a yacht transfer, Seven Seas offers the most reliable service available.