Roll On/Roll Off

Roll On/Roll Off

The Roll On – Roll Off method is especially attractive because of the unrivaled safety provided by the enclosed transport ship. Your boat is entirely protected from sea and weather elements while en route. The Roll On – Roll Off method of international yacht transport caters to vessels between 17 ft. and 65 ft. in length and up to 20 ft. in overall height.

In this boat transport method:

  • Your boat is taken on its own trailer to the loading dock
  • The trailer is rolled through the ship’s door opening into the storage compartment
  • Upon arrival at the destination, this procedure is reversed to discharge your boat
  • Boats without their own trailer can also be transported using special flatbed, mayf or lowboy trailers provided by vessel ops.

Boats without their own trailers can also be transported using special flatbed, mafy or lowboy trailers provided by vessel ops and designed to accommodate boats on cradles as well.

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