Purchasing and repairing a damaged boat following a hurricane can be a great way to find a great boat at a bargain price and for some individuals it can even become a lucrative business of ‘flipping’ damaged boats for profit much like reality TV stars flip houses for profit. The truth is, to successful buy and repair a damaged boat, you really need to know what your up against, as well as how to choose the right boat to repair. And if you’re having the repair work done versus doing it yourself, you need to know where to take the boat for the best repair.
What often happens is that boat lovers, like you, who are looking for a bargain head to the Caribbean following these one of these storms. On arrival, you fall in love with what appears to be your dream boat (well at least it will be after the repairs are made). Because you’ve been pricing new boats, this damaged boat looks like a real steal. But is it?
It can be, but to be sure, the best place to start is with a reputable local surveyor, who can give you an accurate assessment of the damage as well as help you to ensure there is no hidden damage. Once this is complete, the next thing to consider is where you will have the boat repaired. If you’ll be doing the repairs yourself, you’ll need the time, money, tools, and expertise to accomplish the task. If you don’t have those, you’ll need to find the best boat repair around to ensure the job is done well and you do, in fact, end up with the boat of your dreams.
Knowing the type of damage will help you determine what type of professional repairs will be needed. For example, if the boat was submerged, that usually means you are going to need a total refit from electronics to engine to wood. If ‘dock rash’ is the issue, you’ll potentially need several types of restoration from fiberglass to wood to joints, and even structural repairs. If the boat in question was grounded, likely, the boat will require repairs to underwater fittings, bend rudders, damaged propellers, as well as keel and fiberglass damage. Wind damage means you could need sails, a mast, and the repair of structural damage. Even salvagers who are attempting to vessel recovery can cause additional damage.
Whatever type of repair your damaged boat may need, the best place to get repairs may not be in the Caribbean or even in nearby Miami. Some of the best places for yacht repair are in North and South Carolina as well as a Georgia where expert craftsman can get the job done effectively and efficiently for you. Remember, the experts in boat repair in the Caribbean and nearby Miami will likely be inundated with repairs meaning you’ll pay top dollar with a lengthy wait. You may find it may be well worth the transportation costs to find an equally skilled craftsman a little farther away who can get the job done effectively and on a much faster schedule.