June means two things, the start of summer and hurricane seasons. The season is not even halfway through, and the NAOO has already predicted another active hurricane season. At the moment, it is forecasted to be 13-20 named storms, 6-10 hurricanes, and 3-5 major hurricanes. If you are a boat owner and have been through a major hurricane in the past, then you know this might now be looking so hot.
It’s devastating to see the results of boats improperly protected during a tough hurricane season, which is why we have rounded up some tips to protect your boat from damage.
What to do ahead of time:
- Plan Ahead;
Don’t wait until a major hurricane warning to start wondering what to do with your boat. Now that you still have time make contact and a to-do list for the safety of your investment. In this stage, make sure to look into your boat’s insurance coverage- what does your insurance policy cover and what does your marine contract actually require you to do.
- Get your boat on land:
Part of your plan should be getting your boat off the water and into a safe storage unit. It is a fact that post-hurricane, boats left in the marina receive some type of damage. About 63,000 recreational boats were damaged due to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
During this time we offer complete boat storage to avoid our clients being part of such post-hurricane statistics. We will haul your boat from the marina, transport it and secure it in our hurricane impact dry boat storage units. We provide this storage service to all our clients yearly and have been securing their crafts for years. This is limited to our clients and needs to be reserved with time, make sure your boat is safe with us by reserving your spot with time
- Don’t wait last minute:
The safety of your boat is our priority but yours should be the safety of your family and yourself. Don’t wait till the last minute to plan the storage of your boat when you should be preparing your family with plenty of food and energy supplies. We plan ahead of the storage and the transport of your boat so we can all be safe when the time comes.
Final Advice: Take #3 to heart
Every hurricane season has shown us that boats stored on land and indoor dry storage are safer during a hurricane than boats kept on the marina. If this is your goal, coordinate in advance the hauling, storing, and transporting of your boat. Please don’t wait until the day before the storm to secure it. Have a safe hurricane season and contact us if you need any assistance protecting your boat or planning ahead.
Call us any time: 305-304-6148 or sales@fmtyachttransport.com