
40ft Containers Transporting boats in 40 ft. containers is considered one of the most cost-effective methods while still providing top-level security. The inside door clearance and dimensions of the containers limit total boat size to a maximum overall length of 38 ft. and 7.8 ft. in beams (this refers to the dimensions after towers, arches, […]

Roll On/Roll Off

Roll On/Roll Off The Roll On – Roll Off method is especially attractive because of the unrivaled safety provided by the enclosed transport ship. Your boat is entirely protected from sea and weather elements while en route. The Roll On – Roll Off method of international yacht transport caters to vessels between 17 ft. and […]


Breakbulk The Breakbulk yacht transport method utilizes container and mixed cargo ships when transporting ships. This method is designed to allow on-demand flexibility for weekly sailings from all major ports – no wait time. Containers may be placed around boats to protect and shield them from exposure to open water and weather while underway at […]


Flatrack The flatrack method of yacht transport suits a wide variety of boat designs up to 45 ft. in length. This method is popular because of its simplicity, scheduling flexibility and relatively low cost. In this boat transport method: Your boat is loaded and secured onto a special transport platform called a flatrack The flatrack […]

Float On/Float off

Float On/Float off The Float On – Float Off yacht transport method, also known as the Semi-Submersible, is extremely versatile. There is virtually no limit to the size and shape of yacht that can be transported. In this boat transport method: Your boat sails normally until it is alongside our specialized transport ship vThe transport […]

Lift On/Lift Off

Lift On/Lift Off The Lift On – Lift Off yacht transport method is ideal for vessels ranging from 32 ft. to 150 ft. in length and up to 900 metric tons in weight. In this boat transport method: Your boat is driven up next to the transport ship Heavy duty slings are placed under the […]